A little competition for all 600hp/Smite UW Farmers
After i've found out how to clear the chamber and the whole quest quite fast I was wondering how much time other people need
So post your Screens with /age command when finished the first the whole first and 2nd room (including dryders) in HARDMODE ( )
Best one wins a cookie
Here's my personal record atm:
Guild: Ex Talionis [Law], Trinity of the Ascended [ToA] ̖̊̋̌̍̎̊̋&#
Profession: W/
When I first looked at that, I was impressed. Then I realised that it isn't that impressive. I used to aggro all the Aatxes, all the Graspings, all at once at the start. Which is almost the entire quest done... It isn't hard if you arent bad at the game....